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Staking is active on Manta Network starting with v4.6.1

Manta Network runs a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism.

Similar to other Layer 1 blockchains, block producers are selected out of a set of candidates based on the total MANTA stake backing each specific block producer candidate - in our case called a collator. In addition, users who don't wish to run their own collator can instead delegate their MANTA token to an existing collator and gain a share of its rewards.

What does this mean for MANTA holders

  1. High-performing block producers voted in through delegation => cheapest possible gas fees for transactions
  2. Many independent collators => high censorship resistance
  3. You can generate yield on your MANTA by participating in staking rewards

Okay, so how do I start staking?

You have two routes to stake your MANTA:

  1. Become a Delegator

All you need is some MANTA and our delegation dApp

  1. Become a Collator Runner

This path needs technical experience and dedicated computer hardware to run a Manta blockchain node on in addition to a larger amount of MANTA than 1. and can bring higher rewards. You can find more info about this path in the collator section

What is DPoS?

In contrast to other PoS Networks

In contrast to other networks like Ethereum, where no on-chain mechanism exists for multiple token holders to collaborate (staking pools are used as an off-chain crutch here), our DPoS solution allows for people who can't or won't run their own collator node to delegate their token to one or multiple specific collators, thus voting that they do a good job with producing blocks, helping ensure its position in the set of at most 70 active collators and in return share in the block rewards the backed collator obtains. In order create a semi-stable set of collators, these locked tokens are subject to a 7 day waiting period if a user wishes to recover his tokens from a staking lock or change the target collator they're delegating to.

In contrast to Polkadot/Kusama’s NPoS (nominated proof of stake)

On Polkadot/Kusama, an on-chain election occurs to distribute DOT/KSM tokens among backed nodes, while on Manta a delegator always picks one concrete collator and a concrete number of MANTA they wish to delegate to that collator. This approach is both simpler and less computationally heavy than running a distribution election, which has a nondeterministic execution time - something that must be avoided on Parachains as it can easily lead to chain stalls.